Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: A. Canteaut, Stream ciphers, 9 hours, M2, Telecom ParisTech, France;

  • Master: A. Canteaut, Introduction to symmetric cryptography, 4.5 hours, M2, Telecom ParisTech, France;

  • Master: A. Canteaut, Error-correcting codes and applications to cryptlogy, 11 hours, M2, University Paris-Diderot (MPRI), France;

  • Master: N. Sendrier, Code-based cryptography, 4.5 hours, M2, University Paris-Diderot (MPRI), France;

  • Master: J.-P. Tillich, Introduction to Information Theory, 32 h, M2, Ecole Polytechnique, France.

The members of the project-team also gave advanced lectures to several summer schools for PhD students: Icebreak 2013 (Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2013) [22] , [25] ; Summer school on Design and Security of Cryptographic Functions, Algorithms and Devices (Albena, Bulgaria, June 2013) [31] ; 2013 Indian National Workshop on Cryptology (Delhi, India, October 2013) [33] ; Forum des jeunes mathématicien-ne-s 2013 (Lyon, France, November 2013) [48] .


  • PhD: Mamdouh Abbara, Quantum turbo-codes, Ecole Polytechnique, April 9, 2013 (supervisor: JP. Tillich)

  • PhD: Rafael Misoczki, Two Approaches for Achieving Efficient Code-Based Cryptosystems, Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie, November 25, 2013 (supervisor: N. Sendrier)

  • PhD: Jean-Christophe Sibel, Region-based approximation to solve inference in loopy factor graphs: decoding LDPC codes by the Generalized Belief Propagation, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, June 7, 2013 (supervisor : D. Declercq)

  • PhD in progress: Marion Bellard, Influence du mapping pour la reconnaissance d'un système de communication, since January 2011, supervisors: N. Sendrier and J.-P. Tillich

  • PhD in progress: Virginie Lallemand, Cryptanalysis for symmetric crytography, since October 2013, supervisors: M. Naya-Plasencia and A. Canteaut

  • PhD in progress: Grégory Landais, Implementations of code-based cryptosystems and of their cryptanalyses, since October 2010, supervisors: M. Finiasz and N. Sendrier

  • PhD in progress: Denise Maurice, Quantum LDPC codes, since September 2010, supervisor: JP. Tillich

  • PhD in progress: Joëlle Roué, Security analysis of block ciphers, since September 2012, supervisor: A. Canteaut

  • PhD in progress: Valentin Suder, Permutations for symmetric cryptography, since October 2011, supervisor: P. Charpin

  • PhD in progress: Audrey Tixier, Reconnaissance de turbo-codes et de codes LDPC, since October 2013, supervisor: J.P. Tillich


Risto Hakala, Results on Linear Models in Cryptography, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finlande, February 2013, committee: P. Charpin (reviewer).

Mohamed Ahmed Abdelraheem, Cryptanalysis of Some Lightweight Symmetric Ciphers, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark, February 7, 2012, committee: A. Canteaut (reviewer);

Mamdouh Abbara, Turbo-codes quantiques, Ecole Polytechnique, April 9, 2013, committee: JP. Tillich (supervisor);

Paul Stankovski, Lunds University, Sweden, June 17, 2013, committee: A. Canteaut (opponent);

Alexander Zeh, Algebraic Soft- and Hard-Decision Decoding of Generalized Reed–Solomon and Cyclic Codes, Ecole Polytechnique/University of Ulm, September 2, 2013, committee: P. Charpin (reviewer), JP. Tillich;

Anne Marin, Utilisation d'états multigraphes pour le partage de secret quantique, Télécom ParisTech, September 17, 2013, committee: J.P. Tillich;

Jérémy Jean, Cryptanalyse de primitives symétriques basées sur le chiffrement AES, École Normale Supérieure, September 24, 2013, committee: A. Canteaut (reviewer);

Rafael Misoczki, Two Approaches for Achieving Efficient Code-Based Cryptosystems, University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, November 25, 2013, committee: N. Sendrier (supervisor), JP. Tillich;

Julien Schrek, Signatures et authentification pour les cryptosystèmes basés sur les codes correcteurs en métrique de Hamming et en métrique rang, University of Limoges, November 27, 2013, committee: N. Sendrier (reviewer), J.P. Tillich;

Patrick Debrez, Attaques par Rencontre par le Milieu sur l’AES, École Normale Supérieure, December 9, 2013, committee: G. Leurent

Alberto Passuello, Semidefinite programming in combinatorial optimization with applications to coding theory and geometry, University of Bordeaux, December 17, 2013, committee: J.P. Tillich